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What is the Summer Business Institute (SBI) Program?

Clark County SBI summer internship program is an exciting way for you to get involved in activities that will help you achieve your career goals and be a positive role model for your community.

Juniors, seniors, and college freshmen for the upcoming school year 2024-2025 will participate in various training and activities that will assist in developing the skills and abilities necessary to succeed both now and in the future. Youth will have the opportunity to become self-sufficient and productive members of the workforce and within the community.

Our program partners with various organizations and agencies, known as "worksites," spanning government entities, private sector firms, community groups, and non-profits. While we strive to align your worksite assignment with your interests and skills, we may not always achieve a perfect match. Nevertheless, every assignment holds significance. Your willingness to engage in the tasks assigned and embrace supervision is crucial for the program's success. The SBI Program Coordinator stands ready to assist both you and your Worksite Supervisor. During your workday, your Worksite Supervisor assumes full responsibility for your guidance and development. They will offer on-the-job training, assign tasks, foster a supportive atmosphere, provide constructive feedback, and conduct regular meetings to track progress and set future objectives.

We look forward to a very rewarding summer for you and the entire Clark County community.